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angie owiti

I'm an actor and documenter of life, born and raised in Mombasa,Kenya and currently based in London, UK. 

Why 'No Nation'? The name was inspired by this feeling of existential displacement I started stuggling with when I left home in 2018 to pursue my studies. Now, I find travelling between home and the UK a strange out-of-body experience every time, trying to reconnect with a familiarity I somehow feel I've lost when I go home, and a bittersweet reminder of why the UK could never feel like home despite my efforts to create my own roots here.

Despite what it sounds like, the name 'No Nation' isn't an abandonement of heritage but a personal acknowledgement of a feeling that drives a lot of my artistic endevours and encourages me to look beyond myself as I interact with the world and the beautiful souls that I'm blessed to have come my way.

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